Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Passing Our Faith To Our Children

Today's culture shows the remarkable success of Satan in influencing the values of the world with all the TV programs and internet access into adults sites. The media has also been an influence and has been used to convince the values of people to a decadent level.

Advertisements in the media are all laced with lust and sensual suggestions. What about the behavior and dress culture of screen icons? There is a generous flaunting of the flesh which leaves nothing to the imagination.

It is a common sight to see our daughters coming to church wearing plunging necklines and also low hanging jeans or slacks. Satan has been most successful in convincing our sons and daughters that his ways lead to happiness and fun. That to be popular, they need to think, talk and act as modern culture tells them to.

The deception is also that there is no need to worry about tomorrow---that they should go for all the pleasure they can get today. That illicit sex is fun and everybody is (or should be) doing it. That drugs and alcohol are a wonderful escape. Satan has thus far been remarkably successful in his efforts.

How do we counteract this influence?

Parents must tell God's story to their children as soon as they are abale to grasp it. This is done by parents exposing their children to the Scriptures, sharing what God has done in their own lives and helping each child connect to God's love and His plan.

Each child is unique and have different talents, gifts, fears and desires. The challenge of a parent is to meet each child at his or her point of need and interest. We should help them to connect to God in the context of their individual emotional and intellectual make-up.

In embracing the way of God, a child will have to identify this way with his or her own personal circumstances and thinking. Our educational efforts as parents have to be tailored to the individual child. Parents should ask God in prayer to help them see the ways that they can make His existence and truth relevant to their children.

Making connections with your children's interests will help them connect to others who walk with God successfully. They can and should picture themselves as having the potential to be servants of God.

Parents must attempt to connect with their children by perceiving what is in their hearts their feelings and emotions, hopes and dreams and what they aspire to be. These can become the basis of discussion of how God and His truth can impact their lives. they will gradually learn that God is there as a friend and help. It needs to become very personal or else they will feel it doesn't apply to them.

John Lee

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