Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New cult reaching out via Internet.

A new cult which is based in Indonesia, is reaching out via the Internet to the neighboring countries.

Led by a 58 year-old single mother, who reportedly has a young son, the reports quoted the sect’s website as saying that its membership was growing and that its followers included politicians.

Cult founder Lia Aminuddin claimed that an angel came to her in 1997 and had trained and tested her to be “the savior”.

She also claimed to be God’s anointed judge to mete out punishment on disbelievers. The former gardener, who referred herself as “Lia Eden”, said recent natural calamities that had occurred were all forms of punishments from God against those who challenged the authenticity of the cults teachings.

The local vernacular newspapers reported on the cult’s website which showed various rituals performed by the followers. All of them were dressed in white robes while many, who had their heads shaved, wore white bands around their heads.

Jesus had warned about the rise of false prophets and false messiahs in the time just preceding his second coming.

He said in Matthew 24: 11; ‘Then many false prophets will rise and deceive many.

Paul also gave this prophecy when he wrote in 1 Timothy 4:1 ‘Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.

The media also report on a certain president of a middle east country who is now actively promoting and preparing for their 'messiah' to arise from his country.

All these are happening and will continue to happen because these are the signs that will be manifested more and more until Jesus comes again.

Along with these signs are the other events politically, socially, and natural disasters that will continue to take place in greater frequencies and magnitude.

We are seeing all these but Jesus said that these are only like labor pains that must precede the birth of the baby. In other words, his coming is not yet but just as labor pains intensify in frequency and magnitude just before the birth, it would
also be so before Jesus returns to judge the world

John Lee

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