Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Iron Sharpens Iron

The ongoing flury of the inaugural East Asia Summit, the 11th Asean Summit and the Free Trade Agreements between countries in Kuala Lumpur demonstrate the paramount need for dialouge and fellowship among countries and parties to establish bonding, understanding, tolerance and mutual help towards each party.

The Malaysian Government also sent a team of officials to China recently to explain and apologise for the misunderstanding that arose from the unsavoury treatment of foreign nationals by the various government bureaus.

All these go to say that misunderstanding can be overcome through interaction and fellowship with all interested parties concerned. Be it on an international level, corporate level or personal level, kinks and difficulties can be ironed out amicably through face to face and heart to heart dialouge.

This principle is all the more so in the body of Christ.

We are all different members of the body of Christ. This covers individual members as well as corporate members and the natural law is that each member compliments the other. The body will function best if all members are in their prime and strength. If one member suffers, the whole body suffers. If one member is blessed the whole body is blessed.

The FGA Plus is a cluster of spiritual fruit bearing assemblies, we need to consciously complement and encourage each other and to interact closely so that sharpening can take place within the fellowship and all may improve and attain the cutting edge of the Holy Spirit ministry.

How do we sharpen each other?

Interaction may be on a face to face encounter but it can also be interacting on the internet through this blogpage. Good testimonies and programs can be posted and shared to encourage and build up each other. Teachings can also be posted, resources can be shared and the list goes on and on.

Let us therefore make full use of the technology that is available to do the sharpening. As iron sharpens iron so let each of us sharpen one another.


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